segunda-feira, 9 de novembro de 2009

crazy little thing call Living

First i see you and i know something stronger them me will happen

Then i had fought against me becouse i think i wasn t good enought for you and you deserve the best

after that i try not to see i try to hide even from myself my hearth beating

then i discover love...and all i need all i want all a woman really mathers to me was you

this is all i have to you this is all i am this is just what i want to be, my hearth at your sweet hand

And i will be by your side

even if your fear or desinterest doubts just say lalalala or nothing when i say i love you

Becouse the true is that i love you, and you are the best thing could happen to me, and nothing else matther

is this a love declaration? yes it is! in english becouse i had already said in portuguese and i already said with my eyes...thois is a love declaration to you this is all i am and all what matthers to me is you...onde day you said to me you couldn t be a world to no one, is true you knows why? becouse you already are my universe.
and becouse all love declaration as a man on his nees and a flower in his hearth...i have to end up saying that

que apenas e só amo te e que quero que esse sorriso lindo nasça a cada dia e que todo o teu caminho passe a ser coberto por petalas de flores que te mereçam...
Hoje apeteceu dizer de outra forma que te amo! gritar sem medo de ouvirem mas sem que sentisses o medo de que ouvissem...e tudo o que interessa é que te amo!e que contigo e por nós meu coração andara do lado de fora do peito!Tu fazes a vida valer ainda mais a pena só por respirares so por sorrires so por existires so por seres tu!

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